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Unsung Hero
A song for our country.

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Our goal is to honor and recognize veterans and military personnel and generate funds for groups that serve verterans or families of the fallen.

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"Unsung Hero"
Captures the sentiment Americans have toward veterans and the men and women who serve in our Military and was written in honor of these men and women.
Since 9-11, Americans have become more and more aware of the sacrifices our Military and their families make, and the dedication they have in serving their country.
With this growing awareness has come the desire to thank and acknowledge them. Through words and music, MaryRose Varo has captured what many Americans feel about these brave men and women.
Part of the proceeds from the sale of this CD will go to help Disabled Veterans and to help Support our Troops
Read more about Unsung Hero.
"Unsung Hero" - A tribute to Americans
Click on images to enlarge.
Picture 1: My trip to Washington D.C. to sing "Unsung Hero" in honor of fallen soldiers included a chance to meet President Bush. Picture 2: Arlington National Cemetery. Picture 3: "Unsung Hero performed at the National Marine Museaum, Quanitco, VA. (MaryRose pictured here with Master SGT "Gunny" Dixon.)
In a warm and friendly town
A kind of people can be found
Who pick you up when you are down
And spend their time
Helping other lives succeed
Giving hope in times of need
And though they are they never mean
To be a hero
An Unsung Hero
And there are those who do their all
For their country when she calls
Unafraid to stand or fall
For those they love
Rising up in times of need
Leaving home and family
Living out their call to be
Another hero
An Unsung Hero
Serving God and country
Each and every day
Giving up their lives in unsung ways!
He was strong and he was brave
And he gave his life away
In a cause that some would say
A waste of time
But he lived what he believed
Became a fine and proud marine
And in his life and death I've seen
Another hero
An Unsung Hero
Many sons and daughters
Are going over seas
Risking their young lives for you and me!
There are people every day
Who give their heart and soul away
Although they never think they play
A major part
But when I look at them and see
The many ways this touches me
Then I'm glad their lives to be
The Unsung Hero!
The Unsung Hero!
People all around us
People every day
Building up our lives in unsung ways
In a stunned and saddened town
A crowd of people gathered round
Seeking solace in their bond
Of common love
And in their darkest time of need
Turned to faith in things unseen
Called on God and sadly grieved
An Unsung Hero
Their Unsung Hero
But I know up in heaven
There'll come a day
When all the Unsung Heroes hear God say
"Unsung Hero, welcome home!
Now you're time on earth is done!"
And it'll finally be made known
For all to see
And we'll gather on that day
When our tears are wiped away
And we will hear Our Father say,
"You are a hero!"
The words and melody for "Unsung Hero" came to me while I was driving in the car. I had been reflecting on my life and what was happening to me - and was praying. Before I finished the drive I had it. A tune had come and the words "unsung hero". I immediately thought of a young boy who had died while serving in the Middle East. He had been in my confirmation class and I just loved him. I thought too of the brave young man who had enlisted at the same time as this young boy and who died only weeks after him. I wanted to write about THEM and in time came to write about so much more.
Unsung Hero is about the men and women who serve in our United States Military and sacrifice so much for us. It is about people who may not call themselves heroes but are
. people who build others up
.quietly and behind the scenes. It is also about the great communities and people we come from and the God who sees the "Unsung Hero" in us all.
Our Community's Story
In March of 2004 our community was hit with the news that a young soldier from our area had died while serving in the Middle East.
Words do not begin to describe how we felt or what it was like. We gathered together at church to try to make some sense of it all.
We leaned on each other
and on God
and in that leaning found the strength to carry on.
Less than one month later, word came that another soldier from our area had died while serving in the Middle East. It didn't seem
possible that after losing one very bright and promising young man, we could lose another one so quickly. Once again we gathered at church.
We found that prayer and music could do what plain words could not in bringing a sense of peace to those who gathered.
Only six days later we learned that a soldier from a neighboring town had also died in the Middle East. Here within only five weeks, our area lost
three young men. It was inconceivable. We grieved along with them, for where really does one community end and another begin?
We know there continues to be soldiers dying and communities being hit with the sad news of one of their own joining the ranks of the fallen.
It is our hope that the sharing of our community's story and the words of this song may bring comfort and healing to those in need.
A Journey
On September 17, MaryRose Varo of Cromwell, Minnesota sang "Unsung Hero" at Arlington National Cemetery during and event honoring fallen heroes and their families.
The chain of events began late August at the Carlton County Fair. On display during Military Day was the "Traveling Memorial" a monument dedicated to the Minnesota Heroes who lost their life during the Global War on Terrorism. Jon Enstrom, creator of the monument, extended an invitation for Varo to sing the song at the dedication ceremony held September2, 2007 at Veteran's Lake in Ramsay, Minnesota.
During this event, Gold Star Mother, Merrilee Carlson heard the song and invited Varo to sing at an event she was helping to organize in Washington D.C. for Gold and Blue Star parents and families from around the country.
"I was so honored to be asked to sing for this and share our community's story through the words of this song," said Varo. "It was touching to see this song reaching so many people. It was beautiful to experience and powerful to witness."
Rory Butkiewicz, co-producer of "Unsung Hero", went on the trip as well. "As MaryRose sang the song I felt our Marine heroes and their families along with our whole community honored. I felt our community embracing the other communities from around the country. It was a very blessed experience for me," said Butkiewicz.
Varo wrote the song ion 2004 shortly after the deaths of two Marines from the Moose Lake area. "Knowing these boys influenced the writing of the song," commented Varo.
While they were there, Varo and Butkiewicz had the opportunity to have breakfast at the White House along with the Gold and Blue Star families. President Bush spoke at the conclusion of the breakfast and took the next hour to personally visit with the families.
"Watching President Bush first hand consoling these families was a moving experience for me." said Butkiewicz.
Varo also had the chance to sing "Unsung Hero" for the closing dinner held at the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Triangle, VA.